Snow Keeps Falling But Booking Pace And Room Rates Retreat
While March usually signals a push to the final weeks of the ski season and increasing focus on the upcoming summer, consistent and abundant snowfall ...
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While March usually signals a push to the final weeks of the ski season and increasing focus on the upcoming summer, consistent and abundant snowfall ...
While March usually signals a push to the final weeks of the ski season and increasing focus on the upcoming summer, consistent and abundant snowfall ...
Buoyed by generous snowfall across most western destinations, the booking pace for guests arriving in January through June rose 13.3 percent compared ...
The impressive booking pace during the month of December that significantly boosted December and January arrivals was driven primarily by strong and w...
Consistent, and in some cases, abundant snowfall across many western mountain resorts compared to last year has worked its usual magic to give Novembe...
Consistent, and in some cases, abundant snowfall across many western mountain resorts compared to last year has worked its usual magic to give Novembe...
Notable early season snowfall and early resort openings in some western destinations have focused attention on the coming winter season as the summer ...
Summer occupancy is likely to be down compared to both last summer and the pre-pandemic, benchmark-setting summer of 2019—but the Average Daily Rate...
Ongoing growth and strength in daily room rates continue to defy expectations as the booking pace during August reversed eight consecutive months of b...
Once again, occupancy totals for Summer 2022 continued to drift down from last year’s boom in pent-up demand travel and compared to the pre-pandemic...
The booking pace for lodging at 17 mountain destinations in seven western states improved slightly during the month of June but occupancy is still dow...
June 13, 2022—A sustained slackening in booking pace since early in the year has led to an appreciable cooling in summer occupancy in mountain resor...
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