Q: How old are season passholders at ski resorts in the United States?
Last week we answered an interesting age-related conundrum. Today we're at it again. The question we had was simple but important: how old are season ...
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Data and trends within the destination travel industry.
Last week we answered an interesting age-related conundrum. Today we're at it again. The question we had was simple but important: how old are season ...
Around Christmas last year we did a fun analysis of what happens when you push out email campaigns on Christmas. With another major holiday just days ...
We've put numbers to a few instinctual responses in the age versus social media debate. Today we want to add another insight to this list: influence. ...
In the world of social media marketing there are two sides to a frequent debate. On the one hand you have marketers who believe asking for engagement ...
About a month ago now, we took at look at in-state/out-of-state passholder ratios for ski areas across the United States. That analysis came on the he...
Spammers try to trick internet users by placing a domain in the "from" field that they aren't associated with (like a scam artist pretending to send f...
Last week we looked at how many people in resort databases are using various email providers like Yahoo!, Gmail, or AOL. A long list of follow up ques...
More and more resorts are focusing season passholder efforts on their destination guests. As this happens, we were curious to see how many passholders...
In April we dug into the SlopeFillers data archives to compare the pace of posting on Facebook this year compared to previous years. What surprised us...
Four weeks ago we took a hard look at whether advance-bookers were paying more or less each day than the last-minute crowd. This week, we want to add ...
While skiers are quick to point out the pain that comes along with rising ticket prices, it's easy to forget that prices in other, similar industries ...
Two weeks ago we asked how much early-bookers of ski vacations were paying for their lodging versus the last-minute crowd. The results were pretty cle...
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