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News Inntopia DestiMetrics Year in Review: A big product launch, even more insights, and exciting plans,

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photo of the author Gregg Blanchard

Earlier this week I recapped the years that Inntopia Commerce and Inntopia Marketing Cloud have had, and now it’s time to look back at the year Inntopia DestiMetrics is capping off. The smallest team at Inntopia, they punch well above their weight as you’ll quickly see.

New Product: School Calendar Explorer
One of the most exciting moments of the year for Inntopai DestiMetrics was the launch of the School Calendar Explorer product. Built in house by the talented Drew Larsen and Jeremy Slade, it takes what marketers and revenue managers had loved in previous school break data and made it interactive, up-to-date, and easier than ever to dig into and discover key trends.
gif of school calendar explorer

Insights When We Need Them Most
Tom Foley has continued to deliver timely data right when we need them most. During the early part of the pandemic, their monthly updates helped paint a picture of how travel demand was fluctuating in both mountain markets and beach destinations. They’ve continued to deliver these updates every month without fail.

New “Five Things” Series
With the help of Katie Barnes, the team has also rolled out a new series called “Five Things You Need to Know” that helps travel professionals identify the key trends that are most relevant to them and their teams. This series is part of a new initiative that we’ll be announcing in January.

What I’m most excited about, however, is how much this group is starting to work with the Inntopia Commerce and Inntopia Marketing Cloud teams behind the scenes. Their ability to tease out the stories within travel datasets and trends is the best in the business. So seeing them collaborate on new products (more on that coming soon) and making existing reports and features even better is really fun to see.
screenshot of destimetrics portal

It’s been a great year for a lot of reasons, but we couldn’t have done it without our incredible clients. Your resilience, hard work, and creativity throughout the pandemic has been amazing to watch. We’re proud to have played a small role in your success.

Here’s to an successful 2022…and beyond.

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