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Insight Online is now free for students and faculty at resort-related college programs!

Over the last decade we’ve attended, spoken at, or planned dozens of conferences. Attending these events have been amazingly valuable for our teams and the growth of the resort industry as a whole. Students, however, rarely have this same opportunity despite being the ones who could potentially benefit the most by attending.

So, as often as possible, we’ve tried to create opportunities for students and the up-and-coming generation of resort operators to get more involved, especially those within the many, incredible resort-related programs now available at colleges and universities all over the world.

Now Free for Students!

Normally, allowing students to attend poses a significant challenge given conferences take place across the continent and world. But when the further impact of Covid-19 meant we had to hold our user group conference online, we saw a chance to get these students involved in a way we haven’t before.

Today, we’re thrilled to announce that registration for Insight Online 2021 is now free for students and faculty of resort-related college programs.

These types of programs would include, but are certainly not limited to:

  • Hospitality Management
  • Ski Area Management
  • Golf Course Management
  • Outdoor Recreation & Management
  • Hotel Management
  • Tourism Management

This also includes both undergraduate and graduate or master’s programs. All sessions, including the keynote, will be open to these students and can be accessed here:

How to Register

Registration requires a name, email address, and organization. This was previously limited only to resort and hotel teams, so students and faculty wishing to attend will need to register with the following for their registration to be confirmed:

  • Email: Their student/faculty “.edu” email address.
  • Organization: The name of the school.

Alumni not currently employed by a resort or vendor in the resort industry are also invited to attend. If students or alumni do not have access to a “.edu” email address, they can email Gregg Blanchard, gblanchard@inntopia.com, and they’ll be added to a list of exemptions.

We look forward to seeing you at Insight Online 2021!

Let's talk.

Start selling more of everything your resort has to offer.

Prefer to talk so someone directly? No problem. Just use our calendar links to schedule a time to chat.

photo of tyler maynard
Tyler Maynard
SVP of Business Development Ski / Golf / Destination Research Schedule a Call with Tyler
photo of doug kellogg
Doug Kellogg
Director of Business Development Hospitality / Attractions Schedule a Call with Doug