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Tips GetSkiTickets on why they think PayPal® could increase mobile conversions and revenue

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We think the addition of PayPal® as a payment option within the Inntopia Commerce booking engine is a pretty big deal, but we wanted to get the opinion of someone who’s actually using it. So we got in touch with Brandon Quinn of GetSkiTickets, one of the first users of the new integration, and his account manager Nick Haggerty, to learn more about what it will do for revenue, conversions, and their business.

Pascale: Let’s start at the beginning, why is PayPal® so important?

Brandon: Our main motivation for moving forward with the Inntopia PayPal® integration was to connect to a large audience of users who utilize PayPal for their primary payment method. The steps to checkout are much more efficient for customers who already have an established PayPal® account.

Our goal at has always been to provide our customers with the best possible experience. Jumping on the opportunity to integrate with PayPal® furthers that goal and provides our customers with a proven and efficient method for transacting.

Nick: Brandon has been a great long term partner of ours, forward thinking, and always looking for opportunities to improve conversions and create a great booking experience for his guests. Brandon has always recognized that mobile payments are exploding and PayPal® is a natural fit to help make mobile payments easier.

Pascale: Nick mentioned mobile. Just how important is mobile to your business, Brandon?

Brandon: Customers can purchase on or through our call center using all major credit cards, but 40% of our transactions take place through a mobile device. With the ease of using PayPal® for the checkout process, we are expecting our mobile conversion rates to match our desktop conversion rates.

Nick: Totally agree. The benefits of PayPal® are simple: mobile conversions, mobile conversions, mobile conversions. Credit card details are one of the biggest deterrents to checking out on a mobile device. Adoption of this payment method is expanding and we are excited to be able to bring it to our partners.

Pascale: Talk more about that, Nick. What is the process for someone to get started?

Nick: The first step, and one of the easiest, is contacting PayPal®. We are a PayPal® preferred partner and have a direct contact that will get you a great competitive rate and a merchant account setup for the Inntopia Integration. The Integration is built to get you live quickly in a matter of days once the merchant account is created.

Brandon: Nick Haggerty deserves a gold medal in customer service for this. The integration was very simple for us. Our representatives at both PayPal® and Inntopia had excellent communication during the process. Once we were ready to go, the switch to using PayPal® went smooth. I would recommend this to those who are trying to provide their customers with a friction-free checkout experience.

Pascale: Anything else coming up with this integration, Nick?

Nick: Three more Inntopia Commerce customers are about to go live with PayPal® with many others after them. Our API partners are already working with our development team to expand the JSON API to include it in their booking path so others will have access soon as well. Bottom line, this is just the beginning of our partnership with PayPal® and more services and payment solutions will be coming soon.

For more on PayPal® in Inntopia Commerce, see the launch announcement and don’t hesitate to reach out for more information.

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