If you’ve been following The Stash for a while, that question might look familiar. This is the first of a three-part series to update the social media research survey we’ve been running in partnership with Guest Research on mountain resort guests. Today, we’ll be looking at whether the number of skiers who are active on social media is still growing. Here’s how the results shake out over the last few years.
The Goods
For this analysis we looked at survey results from over 100,000 resort guests since the fall of 2011. The first question asked whether guests were active on social media. We’ve updated the results a few times, so the chart below indicates the YOY change for this number.
As expected, social activity has steadily climbed since we first started querying mountain resort travelers. From 52.3% in March 2012 to 55.5% in February 2013 and 56.9% as leading up to now, growth of this metric has continued upward despite a slightly smaller rate of increase between the previous and current updates.
What This Means
The continued growth isn’t too surprising, but it is a good sign considering the investment of resorts in the social sphere. According to the sample, for every 100 resort guests who take a survey, almost 5 more are active on social now than in 2012.
What critical to remember, however, is the second point: those who are not. Though more are active, more than 43% either don’t use social or don’t use it enough to call themselves active users. More than likely, tweets, updates, photos, and messages will simply not reach this group.
Next Week, Next Stash
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