A while back we analyzed which words showed up in the most opened email subject lines. While these email-based analyses were some of our most popular, we wondered what a similar analysis would reveal for something like YouTube titles. I suppose it comes as no surprise that this is exactly what we did.
The Goods
To find our answer we looked at over 125 commonly used keywords in ski resort YouTube videos. With a goal of both a managable list and insightful data, we limited the sample to videos that had at least 1,000 views and words that showed up in at least 20 video titles. For each each keyword we found both the average rating but also the average view count.
Right off the bat you notice that the majority of the top 10 places are occupied by words about snow or terrain. Weather words are mixed in but most fall in the middle of the list. The rest show up sporadically but a large bunch do occupy the final spots on the table. What’s interesting, however, was the appearance of a specific content type – “GoPro” – in the 5th spot on the list.
What This Means
Keywords, of course, don’t guarantee a video will get high ratings or views, but on a discover-engine like YouTube they are a key factor that help videos get seen.
While the view count is an important piece, the real takeaway of this analysis deals with what the ratings say about viewer behavior. While not perfect, they are a good indicator of the types of videos (or topics videos cover) that skiers and mountain resort guests are most likely to not just watch, but enjoy.
T-Minus 7 Days
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