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Trends Which design do guests see the most: resort websites or resort email templates?

photo of the author Gregg Blanchard

The volume of marketing resources applied toward resort design almost always tips away from the inbox and toward the website. But is the imbalance justified? After all, if you’re sending millions of emails, a good open rate could lead to millions of opens as well. So how do page views compare to email views? Here’s what we found.

The Goods
To come up with our answer we analyzed a year’s worth of monthly website pageview data (estimated by Compete) for 10 major resorts and compared it to their monthly email open volume for that same year. The anonymized resorts (R1, R2, etc.) are on the X-axis with average monthly views on the Y.

On average, the resorts in our sample saw an estimated 245,000 pageviews every month. Those same resorts saw an average of 173,000 email opens during that same period. In other words, these resorts’ website designs were seen about 40% more than their email designs.

What This Means
The next step is to quickly calculate a similar number for your resort. Check the analytics to see how many pageviews you’ve had in the last year and then jump into your email marketing system and find the same number for email opens.

Too frequently we see a resort with an immaculate web presence use a generic template for their emails. It’s not to say they need the same attention (though for some that may be true), but if the visibility and reach doesn’t match the resources each receive, that corner of your strategy may be worth a closer look.

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