Last year an intriguing insight was published on SlopeFillers that outlined how many unique Twitter followers there were in the ski industry. Now over a year later, how has that number changed? Are ski resorts further sharing the same group of followers or are these all new skiers that are watching their favorite mountains on Twitter? Here’s what we found.
The Goods
To find our answer we pulled follower details for all 1.45 million North Americans ski resort Twitter followers. To find our answer, we then counted up the unique accounts and compared these numbers to what they were in the SlopeFillers analysis from April 2013. Here’s how it looks:
In April 2013 there were a total of 981,118 resort followers, 477,884 of which (48.71%) are unique. In June 2014 there are a total of 1,453,018 followers, 688,394 of which (47.38%) are unique. To compare the two metrics, total followers grew 48.10% while unique followers grew 44.05% over that same period. Looking at just the increase we see that 44.61% of new followers were unique.
What This Means
The good thing is that many of the new followers resorts are gaining aren’t just shared with their neighbor but unique to them. This is a very positive sign considering the growth and competition within social and a number that was a bit higher than we expected.
It’s also worth putting this in the context of content. The fact that many of your followers aren’t just new to your tweets but haven’t followed any resort before means that your followers may be seeing this type of content for the first time.
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