Travelers have access to more knowledge in more places than ever. One such touchpoint includes review sites like TripAdvisor, where your guests can post feedback from their trip and potential visitors can read what they wrote. So, how do you compare to other winter resorts and how many reviews do resorts like yours have? We had this question and now we have an answer.
The Goods
We gathered TripAdvisor data for over 325 ski resorts in the United States. For each resort we recorded both the number of reviews that showed up but also the average rating. TripAdvisor ratings go from 0.0 – 5.0 at 0.5 point intervals. So, first, let’s take a look at the distribution of ratings to see what percentage of resorts fall at different rating levels.
So that’s average score, but how many reviews do resorts have? Here’s that data broken down by how many skier visits a resort sees each season.
From 23 reviews for mountains under 100,000 skier visits to 263 for resorts above 1,000,000, the ratio averages to about 1 review for every 3,500 annual skier visits.
What This Means
While you may not have control over what people write on these sites, you do have a say in who ends up on these sites with the intent to review.
If someone came to your resort, filled out an survey, and had an NPS of 9 or 10, why not shoot them a quick email encouraging them to share their awesome experience on TripAdvisor, Yelp, or other review sites? A simple tweak to keep your resort on top of the charts.
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