If you work at a resort that uses Siriusware 4.8, you might do a little dance when we tell you that Inntopia can now process line-item cancellations that downstream to Siriusware. This important feature will not only improve operational efficiency but will also reduce issues caused when items are not cancelled properly in both systems. Bye, bye swivel chair!
If you haven’t figured it out already, this is a big deal. With this new feature, Inntopia supports the ability to send a cancelled sale down to Siriusware which could include a single item, five items, or even more. Your agents will no longer need to cancel and rebook entire itineraries containing dozens of items just to cancel a single item such as a lift ticket, lesson, or zip-line tour. In addition, this feature also supports the ability to add new products to an existing sale. Line-item cancellations are here just in time for your busy 2020/21 winter season.
If your Siriusware system is on version 4.8 and you want to enable this convenient feature, contact your Strategic Account Manager for more information. All documentation related to the Inntopia-Siriusware integration can be found on Inntopia Help.