As a marketer, your job depends heavily on fresh ideas. And not just ideas, but good ideas. Stuff that will move that needle, not waste your team’s time.
I hear ya loud and clear. I’ve worked in marketing since 2006 when I realized that the business I started to put myself through college wasn’t going to do me much good without customers. A decade and a half later I still find myself in constant need of new ideas and perspectives on my efforts.
Over those years, however, I’ve found a few go-to resources I turn to over and over again for inspiration.
Harry Dry is not just incredibly good at finding great examples of marketing, he’s one of the best at communicating what he finds in simple, actionable, plain-English terms. No buzz words, no jargon, just amazingly insightful examples of great marketing that are very adaptable to a variety of industries and situations. Sign up for Harry’s email newsletter while you’re at it. I guarantee you won’t regret it.
Started by a couple email-loving marketers, Matthew Smith and Mike Nelson, Really Good Emails is just what it sounds like: an amazingly deep collection of great email campaigns send by some of the best marketing teams in the business. Yeah, they’ve got a travel category, but I find just as much inspiration for my own campaigns from non-travel emails as I do from the rest. Same story on RGE’s weekly newsletter: some of the best email insights around.
Common Thread Collective (CTC) do almost nothing related to travel, but…man…if I haven’t learned more from their breakdowns than almost any other content I read. I’ve never seen a team go so deep on content – detailed ad overviews, content calendars, revenue stats, performance metrics, copywriting strategy, you name it – that I can’t help but learning something priceless every time I dig into one of their analyses. Some of my favorites include their recent FC Goods case study, breakdown of 2,500 holiday campaigns, and their mind-blowingly thoroughly Black Friday strategy piece.
Have any favorites that you learn from?
Let me know, I’d love to hear.
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