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News How Paradise Point Generated Six-Figures in Revenue with Two Beautifully Crafted Emails

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If you think Paradise Point’s bungalow-style guest rooms and lush gardens are impressive, you should see their email marketing. As new users of Inntopia Marketing Cloud, they’ve hit the ground running and paired their incredible guest experiences with equally impressive marketing. Morgan Howitt, Paradise Point’s Senior Marketing Manager, gave us the scoop on two recent campaigns.

The ideas for these two offers were a collaborative effort of our Marketing & Revenue team on property. The verbiage for these email campaigns was driven by our marketing team to maximize keywords for the season in which these offers impact. For us, having a call to action paired with a sense of urgency (book by date) has proven to be successful.

Getting Started

We started by using imagery and keywords that would resonate with our guests and grab their attention. Some of the main questions I ask myself when I started creating these emails were:

  • “What subject line would grab my attention?” 
  • “What headline would keep me engaged?”

I actually save all marketing emails that grab my attention in a folder along with their subject lines. This way I have some inspiration when I don’t feel very creative.

Campaign #1

Warm Up For Winter

Our goals with this campaign were to drive business/awareness to a period in which we are typically slow but also strategically use keywords that paint a picture and allow a guest to imagine themselves being by the beach and smelling bonfires. We wanted to spark those senses that lead to a result or taking action.

The image and text used here reminds guests that, yes, we are Bayfront but also in San Diego where it feels like summer year-round. This offer is appealing for this time frame because who isn’t trying to save money while staying at a resort during the holidays? 

Campaign #2

Stay More, Save More

Our goals here were to drive business for need dates. We wanted to give our guests different options to encourage different lengths of stay. Here, we specifically used key phrases that reminisced with the date of send, just after the 4th of July. We wanted to re-inspire our guests with summer terminology and encourage last minute summer bookings.

So we used new imagery that was taken on our property in combination with keywords like  “summer”, “bay”, “activities”, and “beach bonfires.”

We wanted them to imagine themselves at the resort, rather than trying to picture it.

The Process

Each of these campaigns were implemented within a week. Once a campaign is implemented it takes a few days-a week to finalize all necessary tasks that go with the campaign, including: 

  • Rate code build
  • Website build
  • Content creation for web and email
  • Selecting imagery

The email then goes through several people for editing (this can always be a challenge since everyone looks for different stuff). Some of us are good at writing and others are good at spelling, so I select specific people to check for specific elements; accurate links, grammatical and punctuation errors, sentence flow, disclaimer inclusions, etc. 


Sometimes it’s not just about how many bookings an email campaign generated, so we measure the success by a combination of calls generated, bookings/revenue, and increased website traffic. But even in terms of revenue alone both campaigns were a success and met expectations. 

  • Warm Up for Winter: $48,000
  • Stay More, Save More: $140,000

Our goals are always to drive awareness to Paradise Point and specific dates in which we are in need. These campaigns either resulted in a booking or to get people thinking about traveling when maybe they wouldn’t have before.

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