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News New dashboards, improved design, and a new integration in February Marketing Cloud update.

photo of the author Gregg Blanchard

Last month we had a bunch of new features and tools to talk about, and February is no exception.

Here’s the latest from Inntopia Marketing Cloud.

Dashboard Improvements

With so many new dashboards out in the wild for the first time, we also received a bunch of great feedback from our users. So we started the month by cranking out a handful of enhancements to the:

  • Email Campaign Dashboard
  • Executive Summary Dashboard
  • Lodging Pace Dashboard
  • NPS Dashboard

These improvements include improving the color scheme to make charts and details more readable, new visualizations, and improved PDF exporting.

Updated Email Stats Summary

Next we moved onto one of our most popular reports, the Email Stats Summary. In this case we added campaign tags, reordered a few columns to improve readability, and added additional conversion metrics to help you better compare the performance of one campaign to the next.

New Integration: FareHarbor

The third thing to announce is a new integration with tour and activity point of sale platform, FareHarbor. They’re a really impressive, fast-growing system with over 10,000 clients worldwide and we’re extremely excited to have this integration live.

Account Manager Tools

There aren’t too many details to share here, but we’re always trying to put more tools in the hands of your account manager to help them quickly implement more advanced functionality without having to work with engineering. This month we’ve added a couple big ones that we’re training the account managers on now around guest traits.

A big shoutout to the Marketing Cloud product and engineering teams for all their hard work and our users for their great feedback.

Once again, a lot is in the works for March. Check back soon for details!

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Tyler Maynard
SVP of Business Development
Ski / Golf / Destination Research
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Doug Kellogg
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