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Tips Five Ways You Can Customize Your Booking Confirmations

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photo of the author Gregg Blanchard

Whenever hotels and resorts learn for the first time about our Next-Gen Confirmations platform, one of the things that catch their idea is the ability to totally customize their confirmations.

But for folks coming from old platforms that don’t allow this, their next question is:

“So, what exactly can I customize?”

The answer? Everything. Seriously. Give your imagination a long leash. But to kickstart the ol’ creative juices, let us share a few things our customers love to customize the most.

The Template

The first, and most important, thing is that you can customize is the template you’re using! You’re not starting with our template and customizing the header, you’re not just tweaking the colors or logos of a generic design, you can use the exact same email template you use for other messages or you can create a totally custom template specifically for booking confirmations. It’s up to you.

Booking Details

Instead of a dry, tabular listing of arrival and checkout dates, one of the things our clients love to customize next is the booking details. By adding graphics or icons and a unique layout, these details look less like a grocery receipt for potatoes or toilet paper and more like something they will be anticipating for weeks and months to come.


But booking confirmations aren’t don’t just have to be a recap of what they’re already booked, they can help inspire other ways they can spend their time on-site. So it’s no surprise that upsells are another things we see being customized. Whether it’s a reminder get reservations now for that new restaurant or an offer to upgrade, upsells can be customized based on either the details within the reservation or that guest’s profile.

Policies & Details

Sometimes the difference between two rooms is much deeper than just the number on the door, so many clients will customize the policies, check-in/out times, arrival details, or even the directions to the room someone just booked. While these appear to simple things, they’re often the exact bits of information that trip up a guest upon arrival and start their trip off on the right foot.


It’s a small thing, but a favorite tweak among our users are the images show in an email. Instead of a generic one-size-fits-all photo, marketers love to add a little bit of relevance by showing the photo of the exact room they just booked. Or, using guest-specific data, they may show a photo of kids playing to a family’s confirmation instead of a generic, one-size-fits-all hero image.

So there you have it. Five ways (of many) our clients like to customize their confirmations.

Did that get the wheels turning? Got a few ideas you’d like to explore? Just let us know, we’d love to help you make them a reality.

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