As a Business Intelligence Account Manager for Inntopia, I work with a lot of different organizations and businesses of different sizes, and it’s my job to make sure they’re all getting as much out of the platform as possible.
While the typical Inntopia BI/DestiMetrics program is funded by a Destination Marketing Organization (DMO) or local CVB, individual properties contribute by submitting the data that informs the reports. Without the properties’ contribution the destination level program wouldn’t happen but we are often asked by individual properties “What’s in it for me?”
Resort Collection in Panama City Beach, FL is a property management company that has been actively participating in their destination program since its inception and is reaping the benefits. Take a minute to read their case study and see what Paul Wohlford, VP Business Development has to say about the how this program has contributed to their success.
Start selling more of everything your resort has to offer.
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