In November 2014 we looked at how many email opens were coming from mobile versus desktop or webmail. The results showed more than 1/3 tied to these handheld devices. Today, two years on, how do those numbers look? Let’s find out.
The Goods
To find our answer we looked at nearly 500,000 hotel and resort email opens that occurred during the month of August. Once again, results are broken down by three device types: desktop (e.g., Outlook), webmail (e.g., Gmail), and mobile (e.g., iPhone). Here’s how many of those opens occurred on each platform type.
Mobile was the clear winner accounting for 52% of all opens (up from 37% in 2014), desktop and webmail came in tied for second with each making up 24% of all opens (down from 25% for desktop and down from 37% for webmail).
What This Means
We’d seen a couple reports recently that put mobile opens at just under 50%, but looking at hotel- and resort-specific data paints an even more mobile-centric picture.
Interestingly, mobile seems to be stealing share from webmail. Desktop remained nearly unchanged dropping less than one percentage point over the last two years. Perhaps an indicator of who is using mobile mail, it’s an interesting stat we’re very interested to keep an eye on in the coming months and years.
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