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News Four stories, four quotes, and four reasons resorts love Inntopia.

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photo of the author Gregg Blanchard

 Jan 3, 2024

Last year was an incredible year for Inntopia, but the thing that made it special wasn’t the new clients or new features or new integrations, it was how many great stories I was hearing from our users.

I always have my ears open for examples of resorts doing really cool stuff using Inntopia and it seemed like every week another one was popping up. I made a goal of getting an average of at least one out each quarter and ended up hitting that number exactly (though I did do most in the first part of the year before user group planning ramped up). Here are my favorite quotes and insights from each of those.

Camelback Resort

photo of camelback resort at night

Camelback uses both Inntopia Commerce and Inntopia Marketing Cloud. As such, this quote from their VP of Marketing, Terri Lutz, is one I loved when she said it and one I’ve loved ever since:

“Our new ski and stay package has already been booked nearly 1,500 times for over $300,000 in revenue. This in part because we’re using the data to target guests across all channels – social, OTT, email, etc. – and increase ROI. With email, for example, because we can segment our guests so well, we’re sending fewer emails but generating more revenue.”

Read Camelback’s full story:

Stein Collection

photo of stein eriksen lodge

Stein Collection had only been live on Inntopia Commerce for about a year when I wrote this story, but the results were already fascinating. This quote from Stein’s Director of Revenue, Jason Nelson, explains why:

“We’ve increased online bookings 2.5x with Inntopia Commerce. Before, just 22-23% of bookings were online. Now it’s 52% in winter and 63% in summer. We recently saw a $160,000 booking come in – our largest ever – and it was booked online. To me, that says they guests are comfortable with the system.”

Read Stein Collection’s full story:

Big Cedar

big cedar lodge

Like many resorts, Big Cedar was sending emails out of a handful of platforms to cover confirmations, marketing campaigns, automations, etc. and had data all over the place leading to poor segmentation. This quote from Taylor Harbison, Big Cedar’s Assistant Communications Manager, really drove home the value of Inntopia Marketing Cloud for a resort like theirs:

“We were using a CRM tool that didn’t fit our needs and had emails being sent from all sorts of different platforms. The biggest issues came from our confirmation and cancellation emails. It got to the point that I was manually creating email confirmations each day. All of these emails are now sent from a single system and include tools that make my life a lot easier. In the same platform I view performance reports and build lists I can troubleshoot, resend, and audit custom cancellation and confirmation emails with just a few clicks.”

Read Big Cedar’s full story:

Mt. Bachelor

photo of mt bachelor

Over the last few years the Inntopia Marketing Cloud team has taken automations to the next level for many of our users. Mt. Bachelor is a perfect example where they took a traditionally lodging-focused strategy and saw incredible results by apply those same concepts to season pass sales. Here’s what Amy Benzyk, Mt. Bachelor’s Digital Marketing Manager, said:

“As I worked with our Inntopia account manager, Lindsay, to review the performance of previous campaigns the resort had sent, one stood out. It was an automated email sent to someone on the anniversary of their last season pass purchase date if they hadn’t already renewed. The numbers suggested there was a lot of potential. In the first month this campaign generated $265,000 in revenue.”

Read Mt. Bachelor’s full story:

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