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Trends Q: Who does email really reach? The young tech-savvy crew or the older crowd?

photo of the author Gregg Blanchard

Now you’re seeing what happens when marketers get excited about something: they just keep rolling with it. Such is the case with our analyses between various resort guest behaviors and their age. We’ve looked at spending habits, social media activity, LOS, and now we’re adding email to the list. Which age group is most likely to be reached by your email database? The results may surprise you.

The Goods
We took email statistics from 10 resorts for this analysis. The setup was pretty straightforward. If a guest had a current, valid email address on file, they were “emailable”. If they didn’t have one, they weren’t. Simple as that. We crossed that emailable status with their age to find out who was being reached by email marketing.

Here’s what we found:

Instead of the tech-savvy younger generation having the higher percentage of email addresses on file, the curve actually peaks between 45 and 50 years of age.

Why are more emails on file for younger guests? Perhaps a higher standard for who they share that piece of contact information with or maybe older guests use and prefer email more. Maybe a little bit of both with other factors playing a role as well. Either way, the trend is very clear.

What This Means
Just like social media, the reach you have for various segments of your guests via email is impact by age. In this instance, it’s a pretty solid case for email. When you cross this chart with LOS and lodging spend, email does best at reaching the most valuable resort guests.

The Stash Goes On…
The Stash is no one-hit-wonder, it’s a weekly tradition. If you want next week’s resort marketing insight waiting in your inbox Tuesday morning, stick your name and email address in the boxes below.

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